Intellij reactjs
Intellij reactjs

intellij reactjs intellij reactjs

Then, the plugin will be downloaded and installed. Restart Vim and run the Vim command :PlugInstall. To install, open ~/.vimrc and add the plugin name between call plug#begin() and call plug#end(). Another reason to use this is, it works well with the syntax highlighter plugins. We will be using a color scheme inspired by Intellij – gruvbox. Tip: Instead of restarting Vim, you can reload the Vim configuration by running the Vim command :so %.Īlso Read: My VSCode Setup – Plugins, Icons, Fonts & Theme Intellij Color Scheme Then restart Vim and run the Vim command :PlugInstall to install all the plugins declared in the. To install a plugin using vim-plug, add the list of plugin names between the two call statements. " This is where we will add plugins to install vimrc file, and add the following block of code. curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim -create-dirs \ Install vim-plug by running the following command. To manage all these plugins easily, we will use a plugin manager vim-plug. To set up Vim as an IDE, we will be installing quite a few Vim plugins. Vim can be installed using the built-in package manager.įedora dnf -y install vim-enhanced Install Vim Plugin Manager If you see an error like “command not found,” then you don’t have it, and you need to install it.īut, if you see a screen like this, then you have Vim already. Open the terminal and run the command vim. After all, don’t you want to know what is so special about it? Check If Vim is Installed If you are not a Vim fan but somehow stumbled upon this article, I would still recommend you to try it out. Like the feeling of typing stuff into the terminal.Keyboard shortcuts that it provides improve productivity.Lightweight and works smoothly without lags.Used Vim as the first IDE and got used to it.Vim as an IDE for React and TypeScript Development in the era of modern IDEs like Intellij and VSCode, but why? Here are some reasons why people prefer using Vim as their goto code editor.

Intellij reactjs